Sourdough Bread

Sourdough bread is a type of bread made by the fermentation of dough using naturally occurring lactobacilli and yeast. It has a mildly sour taste not present in most bread made with baker’s yeast and better inherent keeping qualities than other bread due to the lactic acid produced by the lactobacilli. Sourdough bread is known for its characteristic chewy texture, crisp crust, and unique tangy flavor.

Appliances and Special Utensils Needed

  1. Kitchen Scale – Essential for measuring ingredients accurately.
  2. Mixing Bowls – Needed for mixing the dough.
  3. Dutch Oven – Ideal for baking the bread to achieve a crispy crust.
  4. Proofing Basket (Banneton) – Helps in giving the dough its shape and structure during the final rise.
  5. Lame or Sharp Knife – Used to score the bread before baking, which allows it to expand.
  6. Oven – For baking the bread.
  7. Thermometer – Useful to check the water temperature and the internal temperature of the bread.

Recipe for Sourdough Bread


  • 500g All-purpose flour (or bread flour)
  • 350g Water (at about 25°C to 27°C)
  • 100g Active sourdough starter
  • 10g Salt


  1. Autolyse:

    • In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour and water. Mix until there are no dry spots. Let the mixture rest for about 30 minutes to 1 hour. This process hydrates the flour and aids gluten development.
  2. Add Starter and Salt:

    • Add the sourdough starter and salt to the mixture. Mix well until the ingredients are fully incorporated. The dough will be sticky and rough at this stage.
  3. Bulk Fermentation:

    • Let the dough rest in a covered bowl at a warm spot (around 21°C to 24°C) for about 4 to 5 hours. During this time, perform stretch and folds every 30 minutes for the first 2 hours. This helps develop the gluten and gives the dough strength.
  4. Pre-shape:

    • Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and shape it into a round. Let it rest for 20 to 30 minutes.
  5. Final Shape and Proof:

    • Shape the dough into a tight ball and place it seam side up into a well-floured proofing basket. Cover with a towel and let it rise for about 3 to 4 hours at room temperature, or until it has noticeably puffed up.
  6. Prepare to Bake:

    • About 30 minutes before baking, preheat your oven to 230°C (450°F) with the Dutch oven inside.
  7. Score and Bake:

    • Once the oven is heated, carefully remove the Dutch oven. Turn the proofed dough onto a piece of parchment paper, score the top with a lame or sharp knife, and carefully place it into the hot Dutch oven.
    • Cover and bake for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, remove the lid and continue to bake for another 25-30 minutes or until the crust is deeply browned and crispy.
  8. Cooling:
    • Remove the bread from the Dutch oven and let it cool on a wire rack for at least an hour before slicing. This allows the crust to develop fully and the interior crumb to set.

Enjoy your homemade sourdough bread with your favorite spreads or as a side to any meal!