Scrambled eggs are a quick and easy dish made from eggs stirred or beaten together in a pan while being gently heated, typically with salt, butter, and sometimes a splash of milk. The eggs are cooked until they are thickened and no visible liquid egg remains, but they are still moist and soft. This dish is often enjoyed for breakfast and can be customized with various additions like cheese, herbs, and vegetables.


  • 2 to 4 eggs
  • Salt (to taste)
  • Pepper (to taste)
  • 2 tablespoons milk (optional, for creamier eggs)
  • 1 tablespoon butter or oil

Appliances and Special Utensils:


  1. Preparation:
    • Crack the eggs into a mixing bowl.
    • Add milk (if using), salt, and pepper.
    • Whisk the mixture until everything is well blended and the eggs begin to froth.
  2. Cooking:
    • Heat the skillet over medium heat and add butter or oil.
    • Once the butter has melted or the oil is heated, pour in the egg mixture.
    • Wait for a few seconds until the edges of the eggs begin to set slightly, then gently pull the eggs from the edges toward the center with the spatula. Continue this process, pushing and folding the eggs, until they form soft curds.
    • Reduce the heat to low and continue cooking until all the liquid is set but the eggs are still moist and slightly runny in places. Be careful not to overcook, as this will dry out the eggs.
  3. Serving:
    • Remove the eggs from the heat when they still look slightly underdone – they will continue to cook in the residual heat.
    • Serve immediately on a warm plate, possibly with a side of toast, fresh tomatoes, or any other accompaniments you like.

Scrambled eggs are versatile and can be adapted to include cheese, diced ham, sautéed mushrooms, or anything else you might enjoy.